Thursday, July 16, 2009

testing, 1 2 3!!!!!!!!

I'm wondering if this will work or not. that would be really crazy if we could post here but not view the blog....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Sunday, May 10, 2009



I am going to be speaking at Jaunita Community Church on June 21. Please come! :-)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

still living life one day at a time

have you noticed how easy it is to pretend it's summer now that it's spring? in the winter, we were all depressed like it was Narnia under the White Witch or something. nowadays, we look forward to brighter things, whether they are there or not.

because we have to believe they are. we have to pretend we can be ten years old again playing Barbies with our best friend outside, finding elephants in the clouds and not really worrying about anything but chores. staying up late and sleeping in later....summer camp being the highlight of the whole entire year.

summer is just amazing because, even if our summers still don't look exactly like that, we feel like they do. all of nature is still so young inside, so we pretend we are too. even when we're so busy going from one place to another, fighting with parents, trying to find jobs, worrying about college, flying around the world, it's still summer. and because it's summer, we're determined to be in a good mood about everything.

maybe we all still believe in the Grease attitude. that summer is about washing your car and going to drive-in movies, hanging out with friends every single day, waking up to sunshine with half a day gone, or the occasional summer sunrise when you actually aren't cold. sleeping with the window open at night so you can hear the crickets. sleeping on trampolines or camping in the backyard. picnics anywhere and everywhere. eating tons of fruit and laying in the hammock with a book that's twice as amazing as the last time you read it- just because it's summer.

just because it's summer.

do you think we'll grow out of this or give up on it? I don't know. something inside of me will always want to take that first bite out of a quarter of a watermelon.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Sunny Again!!!!!

The sun is out once again. Mom is taking the younger three sibling to Homeschool P.E. which means I can enjoy the sunshine in silence. Silence is so powerful. Looking outside I can almost see the silence. The trash man has already gone by so there is no noisy sounds. The kids are in school. Most people have gone to work. The only thing making noise is the wind . . . rustling through the leaves (green leaves!! We have leaves on our Trees!!) (wow, that rhymed) Its a truly beautiful morning.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Best Idea!

Sooooo, ok, here is the deal. Lindy and I are going to be down there for about a month for camp. We need to have a party!!!! Who's with me??

Monday, March 16, 2009

The, sun'll come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar it's tomorrow
Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain